10 Awesome Facts That Will Change Your Life


5 – Coffee Will Not Dehydrate You


  • It is often believed that coffee will dehydrate your body, but apparently this isn’t true.
  • Some people may experience the need to excuse themselves to the bathroom after drinking coffee, and this is due to the diuretic properties of caffeine. But the amount of liquid you may or may not pee out after a cappuccino doesn’t exceed the amount of liquid you are consuming. This doesn’t mean coffee is better than a glass of water – caffeine can still have side effects like insomnia and headaches.
  • Better yet, just have a nice glass of water with your next iced latte mocha frappaccino.

4 – You are 99% empty


  • Everything and everyone is made up of countless little tiny atoms, and an atom is mostly empty space.
  • Only 1% of an atom is made up of things – protons, electrons and neutrons. What’s in the other 99%? Empty nothingness. Our bodies are formed entirely by these atoms, meaning that we are in fact mostly just empty, vibrating energy beams, using the technology of our eyes and brains to understand the atoms of other people, who are also just vibrating fields of energy.
  • The atoms we are made up of are confined to act a certain way, so unfortunately we can’t just walk through walls or turn invisible on command.

3 – We Can See Through Time


  • Light has a speed limit, so when we see a star twinkling in the sky, that twinkle might have taken hundreds – or thousands of years – to reach your eyeballs.
  • The light from nearby star Betelgeuse takes about 640 years to hit our eyes, so we’re seeing that star exactly as it looked during the 1300’s on earth. This works with planets too – when we see a distant planet 1 million light years away, we’re actually seeing the planet as it was 1 million years ago.
  • If aliens are watching at us from other planets, they might see Earth as it was in the dinosaur era.

2 – Humans Have Been Floating In Space for Fifteen Years.


  • The International Space Station has been inhabited by at least one person ever since November 2000, and has hosted over 220 astronauts and space tourists.
  • For fifteen years, humans have been continuously spinning around our planet fifteen times per day. Life in zero gravity is a bit different to earth, there are no showers and everything gets recycled – including toilet waste. The effects of living in space for humans are still being researched, so that we can one day safely send people to Mars and beyond.
  • You can see the international space station flying across the sky without a telescope if you know where and when to look.

2 – Canada Used Playing Cards as Money


  • Back when parts of Canada were actually France, playing cards had to be used as money due to a scarcity of metallic money in the colonies.
  • Between 1685–1729, metal coins were brought to the French colony by boat, and were distributed among traders for their goods. But nobody wanted to give up their coins so they continued to pay in hide. The coins were being hoarded and the boats delivering more coinage couldn’t keep up with demand. In the meantime, the King gave out signatured playing cards which people could cash in when the next boat arrived.
  • Unfortunately these days, playing cards will no longer get you your next beer or pay your mortgage.


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