10 Funniest Passive-aggressive Notes


From smoking cats to poor parking, we look at 10 of the funniest passive-aggressive notes.

  1. Butts are for throwing…in the bin


  • This irate homeowner is sick of the Peter polluter that keeps ditching his cigarette butts on her lawn.
  • And as anybody who’s tried to quit smoking knows, it’s damn hard to do. It’s apparently much harder to get a cat to quit and that cat in particular looks shady as fuck. You just know he’s going out when everyone else is asleep to get some nicotine in his system. Catnip will only relieve the itch temporarily.
  • Oh and just so you know, the propaganda is true; Cat nip is a gateway drug. The hippies are all like “Oh it’s all natural, it comes from the earth” and then bam! Your cat is selling your TV set to buy more kitty crack.
  1. Hairy Complaint


  • All the ladies and some gents definitely know what happens to all your long loose tresses in the shower.
  • Apparently this pissed off housemate has had enough of unclogging drains filled with other people’s hair. And here’s the creepy serial killer message to prove it.
  • What the offender doesn’t realise is that the next message will be written in blood. Let’s hope they don’t have a pet otherwise here’ll be a blood sacrifice the next time someone shaves their pubes in the shower.
  1. Hell Raising


  • An irate driver decided the best way to get their point across was to leave this low-blow message
  • For those who’ve lived under a rock, Helen Keller was a kick ass author who was born both blind and deaf. While being blind would definitely hinder a person driving, I can only imagine that being deaf too would be a problem since you couldn’t hear the blood curdling screams as you mowed down pedestrians.
  • I can’t imagine how bad this guy’s parking was for them to cop this brand of passive aggression. I reckon Helen could’ve done a better job though and possibly come up with a better one liner. Though it would’ve been written in brail.
  1. Copier Conversation


  • So this note is straight up odd. Apparently the bosses felt it was necessary to tell their workers not to talk to or about the copy machine.
  • Apparently the first rule of copier club is, you do not talk about copier club. The second rule is, who the fuck cares? Was the copier feeling harassed?
  • Were the staff members telling him what a shitty piece of machinery he was? Because with a copier, you gotta be able to take that shit. Whatever happened to just using the copier at the Christmas party to check copy pictures of your junk? Maybe that’s why nobody is allowed to talk to the machine, someone went too far. “Damnit Tony, why’d you have to copy your scrote so many times? There’s pubes all over the copy room. You heartless monster.”
  1. Graffiti


  • Some people have names that just have to be fucked with.
  • And Dr. Hedgeh is one of them. And if you have nothing better to do at work why wouldn’t you mess with him?
  • He should be grateful people aren’t writing “Sonic the Dr Hedgehog” on his door. “Oh didn’t you hear Tina, that fast movin’ motherfucker got himself through med school since he got off crystal meth. Good for you Sonic, good for you.


  • Wat (52%)
  • Lewd (17%)
  • Epic (14%)
  • No (10%)
  • Creepy (7%)