10 People Who Clearly Don’t Understand Danger


5 – Electric Pool Party


  • It’s like the old saying goes, electricity will fucking kill you if you immerse it in water. Or something like that.
  • These guys must have been so disappointed when the cheap inflatable pool they purchased did not have a floating cocktail bar and functioning electrical sockets. Don’t worry though, they’ve managed to create their own luxury swimming facility by shoving a table in the middle  of the pool and floating live electrical wires on a pair of shoes. Genius!
  • It’s standard evolution really- the smartest of the species will survive while the rest will electrocute themselves in their hazardous backyard pools.


4 – Train Tops


  • Humans are capable of extraordinary things, and also incredibly dangerous and stupid things.
  • During certain festivals in India, it’s not unusual to find people squatting and laying on the top of fast-travelling long-haul trains. These people risk their lives by crowding and clinging to any section they can possibly fit. If people started doing this in say, America – the authorities would immediately shit their pants and arrest everyone for being unbelievably reckless.
  • It does make you appreciate the luxury of a nice big seat though. Man seats are great.

3 – Moto Shenanigans


  • Something about motorcycles and the open road turns people into complete danger-seeking chaos machines.
  • These kids have certainly proven that acrobatics and motorbikes are a super great idea. I’m not being sarcastic, they’re really impressive. And this guy has proven that what’s good for humans is totally fine for dogs. Until they turn or brake suddenly. Then it’s goodbye forever, furry friend.
  • I don’t even have any words for this guy and the giant tubes strapped to his bike. Just an exaggerated eye roll in his general direction.

2 – Car Mac


  • I sincerely hope that this steering wheel does not actually exist.
  • Some genius has installed a full makeup palette into the wheel of a car, so the driver can apparently apply eye shadow and contour instead of watching the road. I mean you might die horrifically from colliding with a jeep, but at least your eyebrows will be on point.
  • I don’t want to tell anyone how to live his or her life or anything, but if this is your car, I will find you, and throw you into the sea.

1 – Tub Snakes


  • You either despise their slippery demon bodies OR you take intimate baths with them.
  • If there’s one thing I like about baths, is that there is generally not any goddamn venomous serpents trying to kill me. But these guys seem to have no problem with being naked in warm soapy water with long, volatile creatures from hell. What’s wrong with a goddamn bath bomb?
  • If I found a snake in my bathtub, I would carefully back out the room, set fire to the house and never come back.


  • Wat (31%)
  • Creepy (25%)
  • No (19%)
  • Epic (13%)
  • Lewd (13%)