12 Unintentionally Hilarious and Inappropriate Domain Names


8. Itscrap.com


A business that recycles computers and IT hardware sounds respectable, doesn’t it?

The business, however, says that it’s crap. Wait, what? No, no, it’s not a joke. Their domain name is itscrap.com… which is supposed to actually be “IT Scrap”. In all fairness, “it’s crap” wouldn’t be an altogether terrible name. People recycle crap they no longer want anymore, so why not? Maybe they’re worried about how unprofessional that name would be for a business.

Fair enough. But if you got a new computer from them, for example, would you tell the person, “I got my new computer from a site called ‘it’s crap’”? Probably not.

7. Nobjs.com


Websites where you can meet and gather with others who are just like you aren’t uncommon. They can be helpful to a shy person who might have trouble making friends, or just somebody who wants to have more friends.

That’s where North of Boston Jewish Singles comes in, which even specifies that they’re not a dating service despite the misleading name. They also probably could’ve chosen a much better domain name than nobjs.com. Maybe it was another way for them to make it clear that their site isn’t for dating.

Either that, or that act just isn’t very common within that group.

6. Gotahoe.com


The large lake and the snow-covered mountains of Lake Tahoe make it a beautiful place to visit.

For those of you who haven’t been to Lake Tahoe, or would like to plan a trip, just go to gotahoe.com. Yes, the domain name appears to say “got a hoe”, though all it’s saying is to “go Tahoe”. It probably could be fixed by adding a ‘to’ between the ‘go’ and ‘Tahoe’. Or, even better, they could just put ‘lake’ in there, but it wouldn’t sound right.

The tourism site did happen to get a new domain name… “gotahoenorth.com”. Yeah, that fixed the problem…

5. Lesbocages.com


A bocage is French word that describes an area that is a mix of trees and pastures. Nothing unusual about that.

With that being said, having the business name “Les Bocages” is a bit of a mistake. Yes, it’s in proper French, but when those words are slapped together for a domain name, lesbocages.com, it looks like “lesbo cages”. Obviously nothing to do with Dave Robins being an arborist, according to the main page of the website.

The website is in French, so we can let the creators of this domain name off the hook since English probably isn’t their first language.


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