15 Creepiest Toys Ever


5 – The Creeping Baby Doll,


  • Nope, not an exaggeration; this thing is actually called ‘Creeping Baby Doll’. ‘Crawling’ wouldn’t have sufficed, given how insanely creepy this thing is.
  • The exact date and manufacturer are not known for sure, but this freakish automaton was believed to have been created in 1871, and was patented by Robert J. Clay.
  • With the turn of a key, this doll appears to crawl along flat surfaces. Inside the doll’s body is a spring-driven mechanical movement that creates the illusion that the doll is crawling on its hands and legs. In reality, the doll rolls along on two concealed wheels. What witchcraft!
  • This mechanical toy is part of a fascinating continuum of figures built to imitate human life.

4 – Barbie’s Pregnant Friend, Midge,


  • Midge Hadley is a doll in the Barbie universe. Created in 1963, she was Barbie’s best friend and was designed to counteract criticism that Barbie was too sexualised. Not sure how introducing a homely friend accomplishes that, but okay, Mattel. Sure.
  • In her initial run, Midge was going steady with a male doll named Alan Sherwood. After much drive-in movie promiscuity, she was reintroduced in 1988 as part of the Happy Family line. This version of Midge was married to Alan, (although he was probably getting it from Barbie every time Ken went out of town). Midge and Alan had three kids together.
  • One of these children, Nikki, was the centre of a huge controversy. Mattel made the bold decision to release a pregnant version of Midge, with a tiny baby inside a magnetic removable womb.
  • Parents were outraged. It was obvious to them the doll was advocating teen pregnancy. The biggest complaint, though, was that, during her first production run, Midge was not shown to be wearing a wedding ring. What a scandal!
  • Whatever Mattel’s intentions, the pregnant Midge doll is creepy and looks like something out of Alien.

3 – Baby Laugh-a-Lot,


  • They say laughter’s infectious, but few would wish to join in when this thing goes on one of its hideous cackling spells.
  • Baby Laugh-a-Lot was created by American toy company Remco in 1971. Its maniacal grin and uncontained laughter struck terror into the hearts of innocent little girls everywhere.
  • This creepy abomination goes into overdrive when its strength is flagging. Add low or dead batteries into the mix and this thing becomes your worst nightmare.

2 – Little Miss No Name,


  • Little Miss No Name is definitely the strangest doll to emerge from Hasbro Toys. Created in 1965 by famous doll designer Deet D’Andrade, each doll is barefoot and sports a stuck-on plastic teardrop and burlap sac dress. Little Miss No Name was thought to be the anti-Barbie, an alternative for girls who forsook materialism.
  • Her large, sad eyes penetrate your soul. And, with her arm extended, she appears to be begging. This has got to be where Neil Gaiman found inspiration for Coraline.

1 – Jack-in-the-Box,


  • Nothing says fun like a creepy mechanical clown jumping out at you without warning!
  • These vintage monstrosities have been around since the 16th century, but it’s hard to believe they were ever considered appropriate for children. I mean, what lesson are they supposed to instil? Don’t open boxes? Link from the Zelda series would never get anywhere if he followed this logic. The international postal service would be in complete pandemonium. Must’ve been pretty dark times if Victorian parents had to scare their children for amusement.
  • Jack-in-the-Boxes tap into our fear of the unknown. They could also be considered the original jump scare.
  • It’s pretty much a rite of passage to be scared by these at least once in your childhood.


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  • Creepy (40%)
  • Wat (20%)
  • No (17%)
  • Lewd (12%)
  • Epic (12%)

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