15 Dumbest Sports Ever


5 – Dwarf-tossing,


  • Mostly found in pubs and bars, to put dwarf into special padded clothing and fling him at a mattress or Velcro-covered wall
  • Rules depend on whether there’s a bullseye or if you just need to throw it farther than everyone else
  • Canada banned this sport in 2003, France allows it and it’s also banned in the U.S – and in Middle-Earth they generally don’t like getting tossed

4 – Cane Toad Racing,


  • A poisonous Toad introduced to Australia in 1933 and have been decimating the ecosystem ever since – now in racing form
  • Some train them to hop faster than others, but most of the time you just show up at the bar and put down money on a random frog to win the race
  • Hilariously, some races actually raise money to help fund the wiping out of their species from areas of Australia – they’re racing to their deaths

3 – Sauna Championships,

A Sauna in Munich

  • People sit inside a sauna and attempt to hold out the longest while the temperature slowly increases bit by bit – last man standing wins
  • This sport was invented by a bunch of drunk Finnish guys when their swimming hall kicked them out for spending too much time in the sauna
  • But even after it gained popularity, the man who died in 2010 from too-high temperature put a damper on competitions moving forward

2 – Extreme Ironing,


  • A danger sport in which you take your ironing board to the top of a thin precipice and iron your shirts while avoiding death
  • In 1997, one guy from England wanted to go rock climbing but still get his ironing done, so he took the board up and did the laundry
  • The sport took off after that, although recognition as a legitimate Olympic sport has a long way to go

1 – Toe Wrestling


  • The objective of this sport, as you might be familiar with, is to pin your opponents foot down for a few seconds using your toes
  • This one has its roots all the way back in the mid 1970s born from a pub conversation

One of the top players in current championships is called Paul “Toeminator” Beech – I shit you not

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