15 Most Common Nightmares


10 – Being Naked in Public,


  • You know those dreams where you’re strolling happily around your school grounds until someone points out that you’re stark freaking naked and that everyone can see your bits? Somehow it always comes as a revelation; all this time you didn’t look down or notice the cold.
  • This common nightmare relates to self-image. Freaking out about being an accidental exhibitionist reflects vulnerability or a sense of shame. You may be hiding something – that dead body in the backyard, for instance – and are afraid others can see right through you. In these dreams, clothes are basically a metaphor for concealment
  • Of course, if you’re a nudist goody two-shoes this nightmare won’t affect you; you’ll be comfortable with people seeing and knowing everything about you. Honest bastards. Feel some shame like the rest of us!

9 – Partner Leaving,


  • Nightmares about losing your significant other are the most rooted in reality. That’s not to say you won’t wake up nude one day in public with a deformed body and no teeth, but being left by your partner is more likely. Especially if you keep leaving the toilet seat up.
  • This type of nightmare often signifies feelings of insecurity within your relationship. If you’re a slob who’s punching above his weight or your loved one has cheated on you thirty-five times but swears they won’t do it again then you’re probably intimately familiar with this dream.
  • This nightmare isn’t always irrational. If you subconsciously suspect infidelity, this could be how your suspicions manifest. For many, this dream is an alarm mechanism that keeps us attentive and precautious. It also represents one of the deepest human fears: abandonment.

8 – Dying,


  • Dreams that end in death are common, but shouldn’t necessarily be taken literally or considered bad omens. Although morbid, they often represent rebirth or new beginnings.
  • Dreaming of tombs or graves can signify that an old part of you has ceased to exist, and nightmares about death can be your subconscious’s way of accepting mortality.
  • So don’t worry about dying in your dreams. It’s virtually meaningless, like dying in a modern video game.

7 – Being Lost,


  • Experts believe dreams about becoming lost are our brain’s way of processing feelings of confusion or frustration.
  • Although nightmares are usually rife with hidden meanings and symbolism, in this instance a spade is usually just a spade. Getting lost in a dream represents internal concerns that need addressing. It might be time to make some significant changes.
  • Ultimately, dreams of being lost can’t harm you. Besides, if you’re a lucid dreamer, you can just pull out your dream iPhone and find your way using dream GPS.

6 – Being Chased,


  • Nightmares where we’re chased or attacked often manifest when we’re afraid of confrontation in our waking lives. You might have a pushy boss, a critical parent, or a jerk of a history teacher who won’t get off your arse even though you correctly sourced all your references like he goddamn asked …! Sorry, hit a nerve.
  • Often your dream actions while being chased reflect your real-life habits. For example, hiding in fear in the dream may indicate that you are avoiding dealing with your problems in the real world.
  • There is always a correlation; random dream shit never just happens for the sake of it. Unless you have cheese before bed. That shit has tyramine in it, which will definitely cause whacky dreams.


  • Creepy (37%)
  • Epic (23%)
  • Wat (20%)
  • Lewd (11%)
  • No (9%)