15 Most Disturbing Scenes in Video Games


5 – F.E.A.R. 2 – Alma Rape,


  • E.A.R. 2 delved into a subject of social taboo without fear; an evil ghost of a girl rapes the main character by forcing him to lose his mind.
  • Not only does she rape him, but she does this for the sole purpose of using his seed to bear a child, if the offspring of a ghost could be called that, this scene is truly disturbing.
  • That is, unless you’re into a horrific looking ghost destroying your mind and forcing you into fatherhood, in which case I hope you get help soon.

4 – Grand Theft Auto V: Torture,


  • If you just watch a video of this scene it loses most of its impact, the power comes from forcing you to torture a man that was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.
  • Luckily you don’t have to use every single instrument to get him to talk, you could just water-board him over and over if you so choose.
  • Unfortunately some people didn’t know this and they used each tool on him, thus making them among the first people to go to hell over an action committed in a video game.

3 – Dead Space 2 – Stick a Needle in my Eye,


  • Step 1: Crawl inside. Step 2: The screws go tight, all around. Cross my heart and hope to die, Stick a needle in your eye.
  • These words were repeated for a while throughout the Dead Space 2 campaign it was foreshadowing for a gory, disturbing and (unfortunately) memorable moment.
  • The BPM sound and the heavy breathing of Isaac added to the tension; and there’s a solid motivation to get the timing just right because no one wants to watch a needle eviscerate someone’s eye, although even if you get it right it’s still hard to watch.

2 – Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 – No Russian,


  • Trying to live up to the shock factor of its predecessor, Infinity Ward made one of the hardest levels to play through in gaming history.
  • It’s not that it’s actually difficult gameplay wise; it’s just that gunning down hordes of innocent people isn’t the easiest thing in the world to convince yourself to do, even if it is just a video game.
  • Luckily Infinity Ward recognised that not everyone would want to do this and they gave you an option to skip this scene with no penalty whatsoever, except maybe your pride.

1 – Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes – Paz Surgery Scene


  • Being awake during surgery is the stuff of nightmares and this scene epitomises that fear in one of the worst ways possible.
  • Not only does the game hint at the possibility that Paz, who is only a child, had been sexually assaulted in an audio tape, you also have to watch a doctor plunge his hand into her gut to remove a bomb whilst she screams in pain.
  • Even if the whole ordeal feels a little unrealistic, the gritty nature of this scene makes it disturbing on many different levels.

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  • Creepy (61%)
  • Lewd (14%)
  • Epic (13%)
  • Wat (8%)
  • No (4%)