15 Outrageous Facts About McDonalds


5 – A Million Pounds of McDonalds Beef Consumed Per Year


  • This one is damaging, not only to health, but also to the environment
  • It’s known that McDonalds is the largest purchaser of pork and beef in the United States, and over 5 million cattle are consumed at the restaurants annually
  • It takes 7 million tons of grain to produce 1 million tons of meat, a huge waste of resources that subsequently leads to deforestation, methane emissions and heavy chemical use

4 – The Paris White McDonalds Logo


  • This one I’ve seen for myself, a McDonalds in Paris, France, featuring a white logo in place of the traditional yellow one – it’s actually where I first learned the meaning of the word “merci” since it was printed on the McDonald bins
  • It’s highly uncommon to see any variation on the traditional yellow logo, and the only reason you see it here is because it wants to fit in with the rest of the white street
  • But you’ll also find McDonalds in Times Square with neon lights and an Arizonan one with green arches

3 – The Single Cheese


  • This one took place in Holland, where a customer at McDonalds asked for a hamburger than asked for a slice of cheese too
  • The employee obliged, but was then fired because they didn’t charge the full price for a cheeseburger – simply because they slipped the customer an extra piece of cheese
  • The employee took McDonalds to court and won nearly $6,000, with the court saying a warning should’ve sufficed, not termination

2 – Some Products Bombed


  • There are enough failed McDonalds products to warrant an entirely separate video, but let’s focus on one in particular: the McLobster
  • It was essentially, a pile of lobster meat slapped into a hot dog bun covered in sauce and lettuce – and cost $6, for a dressed-up sandwich
  • You can still find these in select Maccas around New England and Canada though, but it NEVER took off

1 – McDonalds Serve Awesome Things Overseas


  • Each region of the world supplements the menu with their own personal flair, such as the Red Bean Pie in Hong Kong, or the Indian Chicken Maharaja because they generally don’t serve beef, or the French stone oven-baked Ciabatta roll burgers
  • And, of course, in Germany, they also sell beer









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