15 Paranormal Beasts That May Be Out There


5 – Loveland Lizard,


  • 1972, a police officer was out on patrol when he saw what looked like a dog lying on the side of the pavement
  • He got out to investigate, only to find a four foot tall leathery lizard-man who rose on its back legs and ran towards the river at top speed
  • Not two weeks later, another police officer had a very similar experience where it rose and ran for the river, and then a farmer came forward to claim he’d seen the large lizard-man
  • While it’s possible it was just a single freaky amphibian anomaly, why would it run away on two legs?

4 – Jersey Devil,


  • Since the 18th century we’ve heard about a mish-mash devil creature stalking the grasslands of Pine Barrens in New Jersey
  • Its body is composed of cloven feet, a bat’s wings, a horse’s head, horns, claws, spikes and vicious red glowing eyes, charging through the night, shrieking, breathing fire, eating your pet dog out for a midnight stroll
  • The story goes long ago a woman called Mrs. Leeds gave birth to her 13th child who was deformed and entered the Barrens upon maturity to stalk the night

3 – Spring-Heeled Jack,


  • A demonic creature from the Victorian 1800 era, seen all over Great Britian from London to Sheffield and Liverpool to Scotland
  • Reports indicate Jack’s most popular trait is his ability to jump outrageously high and land in front of people unexpectedly, causing accidents and terror in its victims
  • It can also breath blue and white flames and speak English, but mostly laughing in a high-pitched ringing kind of way

2 – Dog Head Man,


  • A race of supposed people who share a dogs curious nature – they’re known to be dressed in regular clothes and, when spotted in public, will simply stare at you, sometimes follow you as you race home
  • Others stand outside your house and look in through windows, like Martians fascinated with human life until they sense fear in their human subject
  • Even since ancient times have they been seen with images of a race of dog-headed men living in Africa feeding on human corpses

1 – Dinosaurs

Angkor Wat living stegosaur painting, later version, Michael J Smith

  • Alright, so dinosaurs clearly aren’t paranormal beasts, that much is clear – but what about dinosaurs alive today?
  • For a long time now reports have filtered in about dinosaurs which might’ve survived into present day, maybe an underground species that survived the extinction event
  • One group of natives from the Congo River know and can identify all creatures from their land, but when showed a picture of a sauropod they swear on their life it is the Mokele-mbembe, “one who stops the flow of rivers”
  • And there’s been 300 years of evidence – but whether or not it’s still around is as yet unclear


  • Creepy (39%)
  • Wat (22%)
  • Epic (16%)
  • No (14%)
  • Lewd (9%)