50 Interesting Facts about Hair



10Black is the most common hair colour, while red is the rarest. It is thought that less than 4% of the world’s population has natural red hair.


9The growing phase of hair is called anagen, and the resting phase is called catagen. When hair goes into the telogen phase, it sheds. All three phases occur simultaneously.


8The werewolf legend is believed to have originated from an abnormality called Hirsutism, which causes excess body or facial hair to grow in places it is not supposed to. The stuff about full moons was probably thrown in ’cause it sounded cool.


7Hair acts as a layer of thermal insulation for our heads. This is important because our heads lack the insulation that fat provides for the rest of our bodies.


6The first African-American hair products were created by Madam CJ Walker. She was, incidentally, the first black American woman to become a millionaire.


5Celebrities are often idolised for their hair. A lock of Elvis’s hair once sold at an auction for $15,000. Rob Pattinson practically owes his career to his hair, and, in the Nineties, women everywhere enviously copied Rachel from Friends’ hairstyle.


4The middle layer of hair is called the cortex, which is made of long proteins twisted together. They are flexible and, if significantly stretched, will return to their original length with no adverse consequences.


3Scientists have discovered that people with a higher IQ, have more zinc and copper in their hair. Unfortunately, you can’t just pour zinc and copper over your hair. It’s cool that your mind went there, though.


2Every day we approximately lose 50 to 100 hairs. Let’s take a moment to remember our fallen comrades.


1There’s a common misconception that hair continues to grow when we die. In actuality, after death, the human body dehydrates, causing the skin to shrink back and expose the sections of hair and nails that were under the skin. This causes the rather disgusting illusion that hair is still growing.



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