9 Cleverest Ways to Cheat on an Exam

  1. Water Bottle Wrapper


  • Here’s where we get to cheating that might involve more effort than just actually studying your damn subject.
  • These cheats involve printing out a version of a water bottle label but instead of all those boring ingredients, you have all your answers for easy access.
  • But the effort you’d need to go to, photoshopping a fake label, making a cheat sheet, making sure it looks like a label and not a piece of paper you’ve just cut out…might be just a little easier to hit the books…Plus this one has been floating on the net for a while so you teacher is probably going to bust you.
  1. Writings on the wall


  • Until they decide that grades are more important than stopping you from pissing yourself, this little cheat should work.
  • Using toilet graffiti to your advantage the cheat is pretty simple. Stake out the sight of your test the day before, find the nearest toilet, pick a cubical and write your cheat sheet on the walls.
  • Just make sure to disguise it otherwise it won’t be long till some narc finds it or some troll who will change all your formulas just to dick you over.
  1. Phone Calculator


  • If only you could somehow get the internet into that examination hall, then you would be a grade A student. Well lucky for you the internet has already got it covered.
  • There are several how to guides on how to create the perfect disguise for your phone using just a screwdriver, a saw and that expensive ass calculator. Just saw open a space big enough for your iPhone and bam! Right under the teacher’s nose.
  • Of course using it during the test will be risky and you will be destroying a $100 calculator to do it but it just get you that A +… or expelled.
  1. Comic Relief


  • Sometimes the best methods come from knowing your enemy’s weakness and exploiting it, this teacher’s Achilles heel was comic books.
  • A deviously clever student provided the teacher with a stack of comic books right before a test, y’know as a friendly gesture. “Don’t worry about watching us take the test Teach, that’s boring…read this Squirrel Girl comic instead”.
  • Caring more about superheroes than education, the teacher was distracted the whole time while the class cheated brazenly. Well I guess this proves that getting to know your teachers has its good sides.





  • Epic (54%)
  • Lewd (19%)
  • Creepy (13%)
  • Wat (10%)
  • No (4%)